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The Poison Within
(Inspector Skaer Series #1)

Black clouds of xenophobia gather over Radvadur, the western province of the Empire. The political climate is strained and fragile. A surge of Nymph refugees has stirred widespread hostility towards non-humans. When the investigation of a gruesome triple murder linked to the refugee camp ensues, it takes Inspector Käyru Skaer and his lover, Count Ellydhar Finn-Jánn, along an unusual path, at the end of which a precious gift awaits.

Käyru and Elly are worlds apart in social standing, but they have found common ground in the bedroom—up against the wall and the stable doors, too. The arrangement between them ought to have been temporary and of no consequence. As their circumstances change, will they find the courage to risk their hearts?


A Late Bite to Eat
(Inspector Skaer Series #1.5)

Furia Eryssa von Brenn lives life to the fullest in every respect, so an empty stomach doesn’t sit well with her…

A Late Bite to Eat, a flash fiction written from Eryssa’s POV, takes place after the events described in The Poison Within. It will be offered to subscribers of The Order Newsletter on December 15th, 2017. It will also be added as a bonus read to the back matter of The Poison Within for new readers.



This bonus read is included in the eBook and paperback versions of The Poison Within.


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