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Rainbow Snippet December 30-31

It’s time for a Rainbow Snippet—my first and last this year!

Members of the Rainbow Snippet Group on Facebook share six sentence snippets from their work (either published or in progress) each Saturday.

Visit the group to read all the little teasers posted there and get some great LGBTQ+ book recs.

Here’s a snippet from my fantasy piece titled A Late Bite to Eat, which is a bonus read featuring at the back of The Poison Within.


Gods knew I hardly flinched away from killing. But as a rule, I refrained from ripping humans to shreds—especially in plain sight of their kin—however appalling I found their species in general.

Fuck ’em. Drink ’em. Dispose of ’em discreetly. That about summed up my take on the theory of coexistence.


If that sounds appealing, you can find it on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.

Thank you for reading. Happy New Year to all!

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