Rainbow Snippet 12 June
Hello! WHEN I FIRST SAW RED (Soldiers and Mercenaries Book 2) is now OUT and available for purchase on Amazon, both as eBook & paperback...

Rainbow Snippet 30 May
Hello! WHEN I FIRST SAW RED (Book #2 in the Soldiers and Mercenaries series) is coming in less than a week—after many heart-attack...

Rainbow Snippet 15 May
Hello! To my shame, I must admit I haven't blogged or snippetted (?!) since... April. Gods. I really had to think hard on how to use the...

Rainbow Snippet 21 April
Happy Easter, if you celebrate it, folks! Otherwise, Happy Sunday! Having just had my toasted, buttered and gluten free hot cross buns,...

Rainbow Snippet 30-31 March
I've been pretty bad. Haven't posted since Christmas. But today I'm back, armed with a snippet from my upcoming release, Don't Fight the...

Rainbow Snippet August 18 -19
Rainbow Snippet I haven't posted since the Euro Pride Con in June. Mainly because I went for a month-long holiday and got lazy and...

Rainbow Snippet March 10-11
RAINBOW SNIPPET Today, I'm snipping from my unedited WIP, yet to be titled. Busy with other projects, I've neglected it lately (shame on...

Rainbow Snippet February 24-25
RAINBOW SNIPPET This week, I'm snipping from my (warning: unedited, aarhg!) WIP titled Twenty-One Arrow Salute. It's a standalone...

Rainbow Snippet February 17-18
RAINBOW SNIPPET Did you know that members of the Rainbow Snippet Group on Facebook share six sentence snippets from their work every...

Rainbow Snippet February 10-11
RAINBOW SNIPPET Did you know that members of the Rainbow Snippet Group on Facebook share six sentence snippets from their work every...