Rainbow Snippet 30-31 March

I've been pretty bad. Haven't posted since Christmas.
But today I'm back, armed with a snippet from my upcoming release,
Don't Fight the Spark.
It's coming on 26th April (hurrah!)
You can add it to your Goodreads shelf, if you so wish.
This fantasy novella kicks off my new series
titled Soldiers and Mercenaries.
It will be a collection of standalone stories, featuring new couples from different corners of the Order Universe.
As the Light Festival draws near, the Něssyrians craft paper lanterns,
awaiting the most important holiday of the year.
The Lyliňg Fighting House, too, prepares for celebration—by laying fresh sand onto the arena and setting up a match against their top pit fighter,
the unrivalled Yüuzuki Ōren.
His last match. One he can’t win.
With the odds more than stacked against him,
the gorgeous Barbarian is as good as dead.
Unless his lover, healer Ĥaiatto Ẽkana, proves himself every bit as determined as he is clever and finds a way to protect the man he'd stop at nothing to save.

Rainbow Snippet:
I wiggled my digits at him. “Magic fingers.”
The corners of his mouth turned up at my pathetic attempt at humour. He nodded. “I’m very familiar with how long and nimble they are.”
Warmth suffused my face. How he could assign such filthy meaning to a couple of innocent adjectives, I had no idea.
Thanks for reading. Have a lovely Sunday!
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My other fantasy stories can be found on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.
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