Rainbow Snippet 21 April

Happy Easter, if you celebrate it, folks!
Otherwise, Happy Sunday!
Having just had my toasted, buttered and gluten free hot cross buns,
I'm ready to post my snippet at last. I'm late with it, but it's been a looong, hectic week, what with my new release coming up this Friday.
Woo-hoo! I'm so hyped for it and all.
And yes, I'm going to snip from Don't Fight the Spark, my upcoming MM fantasy novella, which releases on April 26th.
The book is currently on pre-order on Amazon, Kobo, B&N and iBooks.
Or you might want to add it to your Goodreads!

Readers who pre-order Don't Fight the Spark can win a $20 Gift Card to the book retailer of their choice
including AMZ, iBooks, Kobo & B&N.
To enter forward the pre-order confirmation or its screenshot (without any sensitive info) to kasiabacon@gmail.com.
Include “DFtS Giveaway” in the subject line, and your preferred store in the body of the email.
The winner will be announced on April 27th and notified by email.
(Your details will not be stored or used for any other purposes.)
Good luck!
Rainbow Snippet:
I spotted him reclining on one of two ‘long sunchairs’, as Něssyrians called them. Nursing a glass of wine in his hand, he wore nothing besides the dressings I’d besought him not to fiddle with and a linen bath sheet draped around his hips.
As tantalising as I found that sight, I crossed my arms, about to lecture him on the side effects of drinking while recuperating and under the influence of Magic. But then I remembered our situation and thought the better of it.
Yüu arched an eyebrow at me in challenge, clearly awaiting the result of my internal struggle. Seeing that nothing was forthcoming, he reached down to the tray laden with a carafe and another glass. Having filled the crystal one-third full with the ruby liquid, he handed it to me.
You learned to pick your battles when you loved a fighter. Sighing, I accepted the drink.

A stunning Barbarian pit fighter with a tragic past and uncertain future.
A courageous healer with a heart as big as his inadequacy issues.
A fight for love with a touch of Magic!
Coming April 26th
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