Rainbow Snippet February 17-18

Did you know that members of the Rainbow Snippet Group on Facebook share six sentence snippets from their work every Saturday?
Visit the group to read those little teasers and get some great LGBTQ+ book recs!
This week, I'm snipping from my (unedited!) WIP titled The Scouts.
This will be book #3 in the Order Series, which follows the adventures of my Elven warriors Ervyn & Lochan.
Two strokes short of completion, I slid out of him.
The linen sheets crumpled around his fists as he bunched up the fabric, growling out a curse into the pillow. “Ervyn, please,” he panted, throwing me a wanton, long-lashed look over his shoulder, “I’m almost there.” His lush mouth parted, the blue wells of his gaze molten, sheeny and dissolute.
Mighty gods.
He shouldn’t have been able to cease my heart with a single glance like that. Never had I encountered anyone who could combine the sweet and the obscene with such ease.
My other fantasy stories can be found on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.
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Thanks for reading. Have a lovely weekend!
A Dark Elf archer. A half-breed assassin. Soldiers. Soulmates. Lovers.