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Rainbow Snippet April 14-15


After a month off from snippeteering (yes, that's a verb), I'm back. And I've got a great new image, too, snapped two weeks ago by my hubs during our Spanish holiday. I found the location of this cute rainbow bench quite amusing: tucked in between an old, Catholic church on one side and a whimsical bakery, selling penis-shaped sweet breads, on the other.

This snippet comes from my almost ready (yay!) fantasy novella titled Twenty-One Arrow Salute. Check out one of the MCs, Hernan Seinnés of Asirhwӱn, giving lip to a bunch of Dark Elves from the Highlands... #deathwish

To read other little teasers and get some great LGBTQ+ book recs, visit Rainbow Snippet Group on Facebook, where authors share six sentence snippets from their work every Saturday.


“Have you ever shot a mountain bow before?” demanded one voice.

“Held it?” asked another.

“Or stood next to one?” Rūe sneered.

Everyone guffawed.

It was Seinnés’ turn to blush. Just when I thought he would swallow that jeer in silence, his mouth twisted into a haughty grimace and he turned up his nose. Any higher and the little shit would sustain a neck injury. “Can’t be too complex if you lot can do it.” He spoke with wry calm and in a polished accent that smacked of the capital. “Thanks for your concern, but I’ll manage.”


Thanks for reading. Enjoy your weekend!

My other fantasy stories can be found on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.

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A Dark Elf archer. A half-breed assassin. Soldiers. Soulmates. Lovers.

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