Rainbow Snippet August 18 -19

Rainbow Snippet
I haven't posted since the Euro Pride Con in June.
Mainly because I went for a month-long holiday and got lazy and disorganised. The scorching weather didn't help things. Mea culpa!
But now I'm back! And finally, I've got my shit together.
This week's snippet comes from my (raw and unedited) WIP titled When I First Saw Red.
This will be a standalone story set in my Order Universe, which follows the romance of a mixed-race whore called Ōkkanȏ Kyatto and Sergeant Jhagán, serving in the Imperial Forces.
I'm tentatively hoping for an autumn release. *crosses flippers and tentacles*
Check out Rainbow Snippets on FB! Visit the group to read teasers by other authors and get LGBTQ+ book recs!

I grimaced, glaring at her with suspicion. “What’s uh-huh supposed to mean, Nélle?”
“Well,” she drew out the vowel. “I’m not convinced he’ll just go away afterwards, is all I’m saying.” Her ruby chandelier earrings clicked upon a pensive shake of her head. “Look, if I know anything, it’s men. And he strikes me as persistent. Inquisitive. Determined. The pain in the arse type. Which, forgive my pun, might prove prophetic in your case, judging by the size of that rod he carries around in his breeches.” Ranélle blew an even stream of air through her lips and flicked her hand at the wrist a few times in a rude gesture common amongst the Nĕssyrians.
How she still managed to look endearing rather than obscene, I had no idea. The fact that my buttocks clenched in confused anticipation drew a sigh of exasperation out of me.

My other fantasy stories can be found on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.
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Thanks for reading. Have a lovely weekend!
A Dark Elf archer. A half-breed assassin. Soldiers. Soulmates. Lovers.